Monday, April 13, 2015

Letter To My Younger Self

Dear 15 year old Olivia,

Welcome to your Freshman year of high school. These next few years will be great and will prepare you for college and your years to come. I have a few pieces of advice for you to remember when you're experiencing and deciding who you are and who you want to be.

Don't stress over what you can't change...
There are times when you come across things that is impossible to change. For example, you can't change how someone acts or what someone thinks. Either accept that that is how someone is or make the decision to cut them from your life it it's that hard for you. Either way, take a deep breath and relax. You can't change the fact that your favorite sports team is going to lose a game or two. You can't change the fact that you might not be able to travel the world or that there aren't enough hours in the day to study and do all of the things you have to do. Make due with what you have and realize that it'll all be okay in the end.

Your mother is and will be your best friend...
It might not seem that way right now but it's true. With all of the fights and arguments that you have over the next few years, your mom will become your best friend. She will help you with anything and will love you unconditionally no matter what you do or how you act. She has amazing advice and stories to tell and you'll have amazing moments together. No matter how old you are or if she isn't around, you're still her baby girl and she's always with you.

Boys are dumb...
No I'm not telling you to give up on relationships. But it is pretty inevitable that boys can be dumb sometimes. They may not always listen or understand but they will surprise you in the end. Through all of the heartache that you may experience, you will find that one person that means the world to you and you mean the world to them. It will take time but it will happen. Trust your heart and your gut and don't let people sway you in a different direction unless you decide to. Your thoughts and feelings are important and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Even when you're having a bad day, you're not...
There will be times that you think that the world is ending. You may think that because you're having a bad day that your life is bad. Well you're wrong. You may be having a bad day but that is just one day out of the thousands of days that you will have. You probably will have a lot of bad days but that's just the small amount of days out of the rest of your life. Don't let todays troubles affect tomorrows possibilities because tomorrow is a new day with fresh new possibilities.

Do what you love...
not because you think it'll be better in the future. Forcing yourself to do something is not something that will ever change. If you think you should decide on a job because of the money rather than something you actually love, you'll regret it and live life thinking "what if". That is not the way I want you to live your life. You should live your life surrounding yourself with people and things that you love. Take all of the things that stress you out (other than school, that never gets easier) and throw them out the window. Only happy things with positive vibes will make you truly happy.

Love your older self,

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