Monday, November 10, 2014

November Blog Challenge- Day 8-10

Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! I spent my weekend at home in Chicago. Got too see Ky and my mom! Such a great weekend! Since I don't usually blog on the weekends, I'm going to do days 8-10 on this post!

Day 8- Worst Habits
Some of my habits are hard for me to figure out considering most habits are ones that you don't realize that you do. However, I'm going to list a few (of my many) habits that I do.
- Eat things in 2's. For some reason I will eat things in 2's. This is only for things like popcorn and candy. One for each side of my mouth. I know.. It's super weird
- I have a terrible habit of cracking my knuckles. And when I crack my knuckles it's a VERY loud noise. I'm trying soo hard to stop but it's super hard!
- Going along with the one above ^^^ I have to crack my back before I go to sleep. For some reason it helps me relax and not feel stiff. However, it's probably going to all backfire on me one day...

Day 9- Best Physical Feature
Hmm... This is a tough one. I'd say that my best physical feature is my legs. It's the one part of my body that I actually don't complain about. Gotta love having dancer's legs!

Day 10- Few of My Favorite Things
I love this one! This is such a fun thing to post about!
- My beautiful necklace that my boyfriend, Ky gave me for the holidays this past year

- Wine glasses with very tall stems (Scandal anyone??)
- The Ellen Degeneres Show (OBSESSED)
- Green tea
- My Audrey Hepburn stretch canvas

- Dark red and dark blue nail polish
- Anything blue
- Inspirational quotes
- The Shedd Aquarium (especially belugas)
- Leggings
- My shot glass collection (I get one everywhere I go!)

What are some things that you guys love??



  1. I bite cereal in halves so I can eat one half on each side! It's not that weird! (Or so I like to tell myself...)

    I shall be posting about my favorite things...tomorrow, haha. But I adore green tea and anything blue as well! :]

  2. It's great to hear that someone else eats things in 2's! Love it! I can't wait to read your post on this tomorrow!
